[看藝術・學英文 ] 從克林姆的情人之吻 The Kiss到新藝術運動Art Nouveau

[看藝術・學英文 ] 從克林姆的情人之吻 The Kiss到新藝術運動Art Nouveau





圖文來源 wiki
The Kiss, Francesco Hayez, 1859
The Kiss (Lovers), oil and gold leaf on canvas, 1907–1908.[1]Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna, 180 cm × 180 cm

[新藝術運動 Art Nouveau]
來自法文,這股來自設計風格與美好想像的藝術趨勢,可謂一次東西方藝術的大結合,來自維也納新興藝術家以及進口日本的浮世繪等等都在巴黎相遇,19世紀下半到20世紀初為巔峰。在當時是被稱為「現代風格」。新藝術的名稱則是來自當時一家Samuel Bing 在巴黎的店面Maison de l’Art nouveau,當時都是賣這類風格的產品。或許這也是世界上第一家風格選品店的雛形。

[金箔 gold leaf]

The Kiss (in German Der Kuss) is an oil-on-canvas painting with added gold leaf, silver, and platinum.[2] by the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. It was painted at some point in 1907 and 1908, during the height of what scholars call his “Golden Period".[3] It was exhibited in 1908 under the title Liebespaar (the lovers)[4] as stated in the catalog of the exhibition. The painting depicts a couple embracing each other, their bodies entwined in elaborate beautiful robes decorated in a style influenced by the contemporary Art Nouveau style and the organic forms of the earlier Arts and Crafts movement. The painting now hangs in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere museum in the Belvedere, Vienna, and is considered a masterpiece of Vienna Secession (a local variation of Art Nouveau) and Klimt’s most popular work.[5]
